Are you being led to take part in church planting?
We would love to pray with you and help you discern God's calling:
Consider - Examining the journey ahead. Gathering as much information, data, and factors as possible. In other words, doing due diligence in researching pertinent details such as statistics, history, etc.
Clarity - Engaging in extensive prayer. Taking all of the information you have compiled and forming a list of pros/cons. What is a factor and what isn't? Visiting the location is highly recommended. Meet and interview people currently engaged in church planting.
Conscience - In a word: introspection. Is there anything weighing this decision down? Unforgiveness in your life, matters of convenience, financial debts, available resources, escapism, and many other reasons.
Courage - It would be strange if you didn't experience doubts or fears about God's calling. After all, many sacrifices are involved, and courage is a prerequisite to taking part in advancing God's Kingdom.
Contentment - Our Western culture is not great at being content and/or patient. More likely than not, things will take shape differently while you're engaged in church planting, and something may pan out in ways you didn't anticipate. When this occurs, you must remember that this is a time for perseverance and contentment in the Lord.
If you would like to start the conversation about prayerfully getting involved or have another question about church planting in general, please contact the Birmingham and Beyond office.